Niche Reliquaire De Sainte Perpetue – Fin XVIIIe – Vendue


Une importante relique ex-ossibus ensachée de notre Sainte femme surplombe deux reliques, la première est un rare fragment de Saint Martin, évêque. La seconde est de Sainte Chantal.
Sainte Perpetue aurait été baptisée par saint Pierre et enterra les corps de beaucoup de saints Martyrs.
Le reliquaire vitré en bois doré et peint à décors imitant le marbre est sommé d’une croix.
Au dos sont six sceaux de cire authentifiant les reliques offertes à la dévotion. Le reliquaire a dû être ouvert.
Bel état
Dimensions de 28 cm de haut sur 24 de long et 10 cm de profondeur

 Frais de transport  inclus

An important ex-ossibus relic bagged of our Holy woman overlooks two relics, the first is a rare fragment of Saint Martin, bishop. The second is of Saint Chantal. Saint Perpetua was baptized by Saint Peter and buried the bodies of many holy Martyrs.
The glazed reliquary in gilded and painted wood with decorations imitating marble is topped with a cross.
On the back are six wax seals authenticating the relics offered for devotion.
The reliquary must have been opened. Good condition
Dimensions of 28 cm high by 24 long and 10 cm deep

A charming work from the end of the 19th century, in wood and in soft colors, which comes to us from the island of Lerins in the south of France. Naive and touching expression of faith. Our votive niche topped with an arrow has a scalloped base.
It houses an older statuette of the Virgin in prayer, dominating a parterre of flowers.
Dimensions of 73 cm in height by 36 in length and 23 in depth.
Good condition - lack of polychromy


In wood, this decorative pair from the end of the 18th century is carved in the round and formerly gilded, probably framing a small altar. The two elements are surmounted by a large and elegant flame.
Dimensions of 36 cm high by 14 wide and 9 cm deep. Good condition


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